The Brazilian offices, which took a taste of extraordinary growth between 1995 and 2001, due to the ingress of foreign investments through privatizations in Brazil, and that in 2002 observed those investments fade away, have back the expectation of growth of theirs mergers and acquisitions departments this year. The bet on this retaking, obviously, much more limited than in the nineties, are based on transactions that were already accomplished in 2003 and 2004, the intensification in counseling and on government projects that are favorable to the sector’s enlargement.

Antonio Corrêa Meyer, partner of Machado, Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados, expects for the offices’ mergers and acquisitions department a growth of 12% to 15% in respect to 2003. For him, the encouragement to civil construction announced by the government may promote the retaking of investments.

Sources:   Valor Econômico 03.12.2004 page E1
Date of insertion:   23/03/2004 - 23:55:50