Lucas Vanella Leme

Lucas Vanella Leme
+55 11 3150-9561
Practice area
Works in the area of tax consulting related to indirect taxes, mainly ICMS /ICMS-ST, IPI, PIS/Cofins and ISS. Provides advice on analysis and recovery of ICMS-ST credits, tax planning, obtaining tax benefits and special regimes, preparation of opinions and legal opinions on doubts related to tax legislation.
Has experience in administrative and judicial litigation and in advising various segments such as e-commerce, retail, food and beverage, electronics, services, distribution, appliance and industries.
- Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - Postgraduate degree in Tax Law and Tax Planning, expected to be completed in 2024
- Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – Bachelor of Law, 2021
- Brazilian Bar Association
- Brazilian Institute of Tax Law