Cristiane Romano

Cristiane Romano
+55 61 2104-5550
Practice area
Specialist in the litigation practice, working in judicial and administrative disputes, especially before the Supreme Court and Superior Court of Justice, Administrative Tax Court (Carf) and regulatory agencies. A large part of her work consists in the strategy definition and conduction of high complexity disputes before these courts. Has previous experience in the areas of knowledge of pension funds, energy, food and beverage, automotive, banking, pharmaceutical, services, and retail.
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brazil (Bachelor of Laws, 1992).
- Brazilian Bar Association (OBA);
- International Bar Association (IBA);
- Vice-president of the Centro de Estudos das Sociedades de Advogados (Studies Center of Law Firm – Cesa);
- Member of the Women Attorneys Commission for the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association.