Maria Clara Seabra Sallum

Maria Clara Seabra Sallum
+55 61 2104-5500
Practice area
Multidisciplinary groups
Works in the area of dispute prevention and resolution, including crisis management, legislative consultations, judicial and administrative litigation, public civil actions involving environmental issues, as well as negotiations with public entities and civil society organizations. Specializes in civil proceedings and the management of critical events and mitigation of their impacts. Has experience with clients from various industries, such as mining, aviation, banking, food and beverages, pension funds, retail, e-commerce, pharmaceuticals and energy.
- Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público (IDP) - Post-Graduation in Civil Process, 2020
- Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB) - Bachelor of Laws, 2017
Other qualifications
- Monograph nominated for the 2017 Victor Nunes Leal Award, competing for the best academic production of the Law Course at the University Center of Brasília - UniCEUB
- Master's Research Assistant (scholarship holder) at the Brasília Institute of Public Law - IDP, linked to the coordinator of the Academic Master's and Doctorate in Law, Professor João Bachur (2018/2019)
- Brazilian Bar Association
- Member of the Commission on Civil Procedure of the Brazilian Bar Association, DF
- Member of the Women Lawyer Commission of the OAB/DF
- Member of the Digital Law, Disruptive Technologies and Startups Committee of the OAB/DF