Helena Ximenes de Melo Spinelli

Helena Ximenes de Melo Spinelli
Provides environmental legal advice in the areas of litigation and consultancy, in the civil and administrative spheres. Her work involves the development and monitoring of strategies in judicial and administrative proceedings of an environmental nature, legal consultancy for the environmental regularization of large companies, identification and allocation of environmental liability, drafting of memoranda and opinions related to a wide range of issues in the area, as well as legal assessment of environmental risks in large financial and corporate transactions. Has experience with clients from a wide range of sectors, such as energy, mining, solid waste, agribusiness, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, retail and logistics.
- Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP) - Bachelor of Laws, 2024
- ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal - Political Science, Sociology and Public Policy - Academic Exchange, 2022
- Brazilian Bar Association (OAB)