A cada cinco anos, a GCR (Global Competition Review) realiza uma pesquisa para indicar os 40 advogados líderes em direto da concorrência, ao redor mundo, com até 40 anos.
Veja abaixo a entrevista concedida pelo Tito Andrade à GCR:
Tito Andrade
Age: 35
Age became partner: 31
Firm: Machado Meyer Sendacz e Opice Advogados
City: São Paulo
Practice focus:
Cartel cases and merger filings in various sectors.
Past employment:
Internships at the World Trade Organization in Geneva and the European Commission.
Why competition?
“Studying for a Masters in London, I became fascinated by EC competition law – the way it has evolved and how it is used as a tool to integrate markets and destroy barriers that would otherwise still exist.”
What trends are developing in your country?
“CADE has started showing its teeth in recent years, and as such we are observing increased litigation from companies and individuals. I also think that Brazil will start seeing private antitrust litigation in the future.”