Brazilian firm Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice Advogados has 'adopted' a public school in need of repair, in a project developed by Parceiros da Educação, an NGO promoting investment and improvement in the country's schools.
As part of a five-year programme, the firm will provide Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy, located in the province of Campo Limpo, with financial support for its refurbishments, as well as give advice on its management.
Adriana Pallis Romano, the partner responsible for the firm's community activities, says "the idea is to help the school financially to give the students better conditions to study and learn."
Aided by an inspection by Parceiros da Educação, the firm conducted interviews with the school's pupils, teachers and parents to establish a plan of action. The first stage of the project will entail building a library, buying books and computers, and training staff to run it.
Says Pallis, "we will apply methods we use in administrating our own business to the school, such as establishing goals and targets for teachers to help better the school's educational results." 
(Latin Lawyer online 25.04.2008)